Institute of Production Systems and Logistics Research Finished Projects
Exzellenzcluster PhoenixD: Photnics, Optics, Engineering – Innovation Across Disciplines

Exzellenzcluster PhoenixD: Photnics, Optics, Engineering – Innovation Across Disciplines

Year:  2019
Funding:  DFG
Duration:  01/2019 - 12/2026

Initial situation

Production technology has changed significantly in the last decade. The buzzwords "Industry 4.0" and "Additive Manufacturing" describe the shift towards IT-networked production and individualized manufacturing at low cost. At the same time, advances in computer technology and artificial intelligence have multiplied simulation capacities and have become an indispensable building block in the run-up to and during modern production. Right now is the time to apply simulation and modern production together to the precision of optical systems; marking a paradigm shift in optics design, simulation and manufacturing.


PhoenixD is a cross-disciplinary initiative between mechanical engineering, physics, electrical engineering, computer science and chemistry. It combines world-class optics, production engineering, simulation and materials expertise. PhoenixD will be located at Leibniz Universität Hannover as a cross-linked structure with its own faculty status, will design its own master's program and graduate school; eight new professorships will be established for PhoenixD alone to permanently sustain the consortium. A building set up specifically for PhoenixD will be constructed over the course of the cluster's lifetime to house an internationally unique center of excellence that will develop charisma for company start-ups, industrial collaborations and society as a whole through excellent research and teaching.


PhoenixD answers the leading scientific question of how future optical systems can be produced while balancing the necessary precision, the degree of integration, the individuality of resource consumption and costs. This holistic approach of PhoenixD provides entirely new individual solutions for a wide range of societal problems. The IFA's goal here is to develop a systematic approach to designing the entire value chain.



Industrial cooperation partners

CadFEM GmbH München/Hannover

Carl Zeiss AG Jena/Oberkochen

Comsol Inc. Göttingen

Hella GmbH & Co. KGaA Lippstadt

Laseroptik GmbH Garbsen

LightTrans International UG Jena

Mahr GmbH Göttingen

Osram Opto Semiconductors GmbH Regensburg

Continental AG Hannover

Trumpf Lasertechnik GmbH & Co. KG Ditzingen

Sartorius AG Göttingen

Viscom AG Hannover

Institutions as cooperation partners

Aston University, Aston Institute of Photonic Technologies Birmingham, UK

Australian National University, Non-Linear Physics Center Canberra, Australia

Boston University Photonics Center, College of Engineering Boston, USA

Chinese Academy of Science, Institute of Physics Beijing, China

Ghent University, Photonics Research Group Ghent, Belgium

Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Optics and Photonics Chennai, India

Laboratoire d'optique appliquee Palaiseau, France

Pohang University of Science and Technology,

Department of Chemical Engineering Pohang, South Korea

Politecnico Milano, Institute for Photonics and Nanotechnology Milano, Italy

Polytechnic University, Institute of Mathematical Modeling and Intelligence Control St. Petersburg, Russia

Shenzhen University, Institute of Optoelectronics Shenzhen, China

University of California, Mechanical Engineering Berkeley, USA

University of New South Wales Canberra,

College of Engineering and Computer Science Canberra, Australia

University of Tokyo, Institute of Industrial Science Tokyo, Japan